30 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Übersicht

Erfolgsfaktor Software: Branchenlösungen von Microsoft Dynamics, die zu Ihrem Unternehmen passen

Sie suchen eine Software, die Ihre branchenspezifischen Anforderungen unterstützt? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig: Mit Microsoft Dynamics erhalten Sie individuelle Branchenlösungen, mit denen Sie in Ihrer Branche punkten.

Der besondere Vorteil dieses Konzepts: Die Branchenfunktionalität muss nicht jedes Mal von Grund auf neu entwickelt werden, sondern ist bereits als zertifizierte Komplettlösung mit Microsoft Dynamics bei einem unserer Partner erhältlich. Derzeit stehen über 1.800 zertifizierte Branchenlösungen zur Verfügung. Und sollten Sie darüber hinaus Individualanpassungen für spezielle Abläufe in Ihrem Unternehmen benötigen, können Sie auch dabei auf Unterstützung und Kompetenz Ihres Lösungspartners zählen.

In drei Schritten zur maßgeschneiderten Branchenlösung für Ihr Unternehmen:
  1. Öffnen Sie einfach unseren Branchenlösungskatalog
  2. Wählen Sie Ihre Branche aus und blättern Sie durch die zertifizierten Lösungen unserer Partner.
  3. Entscheiden Sie sich für Ihre neue Branchenlösung und nehmen Sie Kontakt mit dem Microsoft Dynamics-Partner auf.

Entdecken Sie die Fokusbranchen von Microsoft Dynamics
Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie Informationen über aktuelle Themen und Trends, technische Entwicklungen und ausgewählte Branchenlösungen von Microsoft Dynamics und unseren Partnern. Im Fokus stehen die folgenden acht Branchen:

Wo der Kunde König ist: Finden Sie in der wachsenden Branche Ihre Nische und sorgen Sie für einen individuellen und rentablen Service.

Energie und Entsorgung Zwischen Kundenerwartungen und gesetzlichen Bestimmungen: Wie Sie mit der richtigen Lösung wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Fertigung Vom Rohmaterial zum Endprodukt: Produktionsprozesse vereinfachen und automatisieren, Lagerkosten senken. Finanzdienstleistungen Neue Chancen für Banken und Versicherungen: Finden Sie den Schlüssel zu besserem Service und individueller Beratung Ihrer Kunden. Gesundheitswesen Keine unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen: Branchenlösungen von Microsoft Dynamics für das Gesundheitswesen. Handel Ob Groß-, Einzel- oder Online- und Versandhandel: Brechen Sie auf zu neuen Ufern und behaupten Sie sich im Wettbewerb. Medien und Unterhaltung Immer einen Finger am Puls der Zeit: Nutzen Sie die richtigen Formate und erobern Sie neue Absatzmärkte. Öffentlicher Dienst Bringen Sie den Amtsschimmel auf Trab: Automatisierung, Effizienz sowie Wirtschafts- und Bürgernähe sind die Bausteine einer modernen Verwaltung. Transport und Logistik Kosten senken und Lieferzeiten verkürzen: Wie Sie Ihren Platz in der Supply Chain erfolgreich behaupten. Sie haben Fragen zur Lösungsauswahl? Wir helfen Ihnen gern! Wenden Sie sich direkt an Microsoft.

Branchenlösungen als Wettbewerbsvorteil

Die zertifizierten Partner bieten Ihnen ein breites Spektrum an Microsoft Dynamics-Lösungen, die exakt zu Ihren branchentypischen Anforderungen passen.

Mehr Transparenz und Flexibilität:
 Eine Branchenlösung unterstützt Ihre Prozesssteuerung und -planung, sodass Sie Abläufe automatisieren und beschleunigen können.

Mehr Wissen, bessere Entscheidungen: Mit einer Datenerfassung, die alle Aspekte aus Ihrem Geschäftsumfeld aufnimmt, bündeln Sie das Know-how in Ihrem Unternehmen. Vordefinierte Analysen und Berichte helfen Ihnen, Daten und Informationen umfassend auszuwerten und als Grundlage für wichtige Entscheidungen zu nutzen.

Produktive Arbeitsumgebung: Die individualisierbare Benutzeroberfläche der Microsoft Dynamics-Branchenlösungen ist einfach zu bedienen und gibt jedem Mitarbeiter Zugriff auf alle Daten und Funktionen, die er für seine Arbeit benötigt.

Unsere Microsoft-Partner verfügen dank ihrer Spezialisierung auf bestimmte Branchen über das notwendige Wissen, das auch Ihre Implementierung einer Branchensoftware zum Erfolg macht. Die Branchenlösungen sind bereits auf die branchenspezifischen IT-Anforderungen und -Standards ausgerichtet, z. B. für die Anbindung von Kassensystemen im Einzelhandel oder die Unterstützung von RFID-Integration für die Logistikbranche. Bewährte, standardisierte Implementierungsmethoden sorgen dafür, dass Ihre neue Branchenlösung schnell einsatzbereit ist.
Reden Sie miteinander, statt aneinander vorbei: Bei den Microsoft-Partnern arbeiten Sie mit Experten zusammen, die Ihre Branche aus dem Effeff kennen. Die häufig mühevolle Prozedur der Pflichtenheft-Erstellung verliert ihren Schrecken, denn eine Vielzahl der Anforderungen wird bereits durch die Branchenlösungen der Partner abgedeckt. Letzte kleinere Anpassungen ergeben sich dann nur noch aus Ihrer spezifischen Unternehmenssituation. So bleiben die Kosten überschaubar, und die Implementierung zieht sich nicht monatelang hin.

www.pargesoft.com Microsoft Dynamics NAV Global Partner

26 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for multi-site and international organizations

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for multi-site and international organizations

Multi-site and international organizations (MIOs), face unique challenges when choosing and deploying a business management solution. Microsoft Dynamics NAV readily integrates with the parent company’s system while meeting the varying needs of different sites, regardless of size, location, or type of business.

The challenge for multi-site and international organizations

Integrating the IT systems of MIO locations is critical for effectively sharing information, supporting common needs, and functioning successfully as one entity. However, individual sites typically don't require the same level of complexity in their business management solution as the parent company, and they may not have the resources to acquire and maintain a system designed for a larger company.

The ideal solution for the MIO business model is a strong core platform and solution that has the flexibility to meet the unique needs of local sites, regardless of their complexity, specialization, or location.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV: designed for your sites
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a business management solution with the flexibility to support the varied needs of multi-site and international organizations, regardless of size, location, or type of business. Designed to meet the needs of small and midsize organizations, it is easy to use and maintain for a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

Microsoft Dynamics NAV can help MIOs by supporting processes and integrating the information of local sites with the parent company's systems.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV can support multiple sites.

An MIO must consider the following four key challenges when choosing a solution for deployment:

• Meets the needs of complexity. Sites may have the same level of business complexity as the parent company, but on a different scale and without the same IT resources. The solution that is best for the parent company is often too big, complicated, cumbersome, and costly for its sites, and it may not address the local requirements or specific business needs of the local sites. Microsoft Dynamics NAV helps MIOs balance the need for complexity without requiring a large IT staff or extensive user training.

• Meets the needs of specialization. Sites with specialized functions have key industry and vertical requirements that may differ widely from those of other sites and the parent company. More than 57,000 customers worldwide in a wide variety of industries have already customized and deployed Microsoft Dynamics NAV to accommodate their individual needs, and more than 2,700 Microsoft Certified Partners currently deliver these customizations.

• Meets the needs of locations. Sites located in different countries need a solution that meets local regulatory and market requirements as well as industry- and location-specific practices for bookkeeping, reports, and financial statements. With more than 40 localized versions that include multicurrency and multi-language capabilities, Microsoft Dynamics NAV adapts to local legislative and market requirements.

• Meets the needs of flexibility. MIOs must strike a balance between deploying worldwide standardization and allowing customizations to support business procedures at the local site level. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is easy to customize and configure, and it can scale to support changing needs as a company grows.

Top 7 benefits of using Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution for MIOs can benefit business in seven key ways:

1. Meets the individual needs of sites, regardless of their size, location, or type of business.

2. Improves workflow efficiency for financial consolidation.

3. Gives you clear business insight with integrated analytics.

4. Offers an efficient means of exchanging data.

5. Can reduce costs by helping you share responsibility for services.

6. Promotes a more efficient supply chain.

7. Helps you respond proactively to business conditions.

Six common integration scenarios

If you are part of a multi-site and international organization (MIO), find out how your company can benefit from integrating Microsoft Dynamics NAV with another enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution at the parent company—in these six common scenarios.

• Scenario 1: Consolidating financial data. To run your business and meet increasingly demanding international standards, such as Sarbanes-Oxley and International Accounting Standards (IAS) 2005, parent organizations must get a consolidated view of finances from local sites. At the same time, the sites may have to answer to local financial standards and reporting requirements.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV can help save time and effort by enabling you to consolidate financial statements for a series of business units. You can transfer from different accounting structures, including financial statements in different currencies.

• Scenario 2: Gaining business insight. To maintain control over your entire organization, managers at the parent level need access to data located in individual site systems. This information may range from sales reports to inventory figures. And you need to receive information in a format that is easy to understand, analyze, and share.

With Business Analytics in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, site employees can create online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes based on full access to stored local data—without the need for extensive IT support. Controllers at the parent office can access reports using Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, Microsoft Office Excel, or other familiar tools. The result is clear visibility into the entire organization with faster and more efficient reporting.

• Scenario 3: Sharing master data. Your parent company and sites may share certain critical business information, such as vendor records, price lists, and customer data. However, this information is often maintained in different systems that may use different formats, which can lead to inconsistencies and wasted time. If your parent company wants to share master data with sites that use a different ERP system, you have to connect the systems.

Microsoft tools for electronic data exchange enable the entire organization to share master data. One such tool is XMLport, which is used to create XML documents that can easily be read by multiple applications.

• Scenario 4: Sharing responsibility for services. MIOs may decide to share services with local sites; customers may wish to receive consolidated invoices reflecting interactions with multiple sites; you may need to divide tasks based on specific competencies at site levels; or you may want to centralize payroll or procurement to obtain efficiencies or bulk discounts.

With Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can facilitate shared services through electronic exchange of data based on BizTalk Server or functionality for intercompany postings.

• Scenario 5: Enabling interdivisional transactions. Sites sometimes need to interact with one another to redistribute inventory or complete workflows. For example, one site may act as distributor of another site's product, or divisions of a government agency may need to interact to complete a workflow.

You can set up Microsoft Dynamics NAV to treat interdivisional transactions as normal sales and purchase transactions. The sites can interact among themselves using either a BizTalk Server and Commerce Gateway or the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Intercompany Postings solution.

• Scenario 6: Responding proactively to business events. Your parent organization and sites comprise a supply chain, and although the role of each may be quite varied, all are interdependent. When a manufacturer relies on another site to deliver raw goods, delays can affect the entire supply chain.

Companies can set up alerts using the Business Notification feature in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, which will automatically generate e-mail messages about critical business conditions at their various sites, divisions, or supply chain partners.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV for specialty retailers

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for specialty retailers

Microsoft Dynamics NAV allows specialty retailers to streamline customer interface and back-office operations by tightly integrating the two. This integrated, easy-to-use business solution helps your people deliver exceptional customer service, lower inventory costs, improve margins, and increase revenues. Delivered through a global network of channel partners, this flexible system integrates seamlessly with the 2007 Microsoft Office system to speed user adoption and improve processes across an entire business.

Customer account management
- Keep transaction details for cross-selling opportunities and warranty information.
- Easily collect customer information at POS.
- Market to the highest margin segments.
- Handle staff discounts, repeat sales, and new services sold.

Inventory control
- Reduce inventory levels with automatic ordering.

- Centrally manage pricing.
- Introduce differential pricing.

Planning and forecasting
- Create planograms for each store layout to speed restocking.
- Adjust products sold according to what customers buy.
- Accurately predict reordering quantities.

Customer service
- Check prices and stock instantly with hand-held scanners.
- Prompt associates to offer alternatives if an item is out of stock.
- Offer related products to increase the total sale.


23 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Eigenschaften

Nutzen Sie mit Microsoft Dynamics NAV die Freiheit, sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren zu können

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ist eine vollständig integrierte und einfach zu bedienende Unternehmenssoftware, mit der Sie alle Bereiche in Ihrem mittelständischen Betrieb verbinden, z. B. Finanzmanagement, Marketing- und Vertriebssteuerung, Einkauf, Verkauf, Lager und Logistik sowie Produktionsplanung und -steuerung. Die Software kann genau an Ihre Anforderungen angepasst und von den Microsoft-Partnern einfach mit zertifizierten Branchenlösungen realisiert werden.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Technologie
Ansicht vergrößern

Aufbau und Funktionen von Microsoft Dynamics NAV:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ist modular aufgebaut. Die Module sind untereinander vollständig integriert und liefern die Funktionen für alle Geschäftsprozesse mittelständischer Unternehmen. Ihr Vorteil: Die Software bildet alle Aspekte Ihres Unternehmens ab – das Arbeiten in verschiedenen Systemen und die mühselige Suche nach Daten gehören der Vergangenheit an.

Das Herzstück Ihres Unternehmens: Aus allen Unternehmensbereichen werden die aktuellen Daten automatisch an Ihr Finanzmanagement übergeben. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Daten in Informationen und Entscheidungen verwandeln.

Marketing und Vertrieb 
Der Kunde – ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? Lernen Sie Wege kennen, wie Sie mit der Unterstützung einer integrierten Software Kunden gewinnen, betreuen und langfristig ans Unternehmen binden.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) 
Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie Ihre Abläufe in Einkauf, Verkauf, Lager, Produktion und Logistik mit Microsoft Dynamics NAV vereinfachen und automatisieren – für eine effektive Lieferkette.

Entdecken Sie neue Wege der Zusammenarbeit: Eine Weboberfläche bietet Ihren Mitarbeitern einen ortsunabhängigen und sicheren Zugriff auf Ihre ERP-Software.

Business Intelligence 
Alle Informationen im Blick: Erleben Sie, wie Sie mit nahtlos integrierten Funktionen für Business Intelligence und Reporting im Unternehmen für mehr Transparenz sorgen und neue Entscheidungen absichern.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Mobile 
Wohin Sie auch gehen, Ihre Unternehmenssoftware ist immer dabei: Nutzen Sie Daten und Funktionen aus Ihrer ERP-Software einfach auf einem mobilen Endgerät.

Neben den Funktionen in den Microsoft Dynamics NAV-Standardmodulen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Branchenlösungen, entwickelt von den Microsoft Dynamics-Partnern. Die Zusatzentwicklungen bieten Ihnen zusätzliche, vollständig in Microsoft Dynamics NAV integrierte, branchenunabhängige Funktionalität für Ihre individuelle Lösung.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV: ERP für den Mittelstand mit branchenspezifischen Anforderungen

Microsoft Dynamics NAV: ERP für den Mittelstand mit branchenspezifischen Anforderungen

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ist eine flexible Unternehmenssoftware, die speziell für mittelständische Firmen mit branchenspezifischen Anforderungen konzipiert wurde. Microsoft Dynamics NAV punktet mit einer Benutzeroberfläche, die an Microsoft Office Outlook angelehnt ist, so dass die Software von Anfang an einfach und intuitiv zu bedienen ist. Die offene Architektur sorgt für rasche und kostengünstige Implementierung, Anpassung und Wartung.

Mit Microsoft Dynamics NAV erhalten Sie bewährte Funktionalitäten für ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Finanzmanagement, Marketing- und Vertriebssteuerung, Einkauf, Verkauf, Lager und Logistik sowie Produktionsplanung und -steuerung. Die zahlreichen Zusatz- und Branchenlösungen – von erfahrenen Partnern entwickelt und von Microsoft zertifiziert – machen Microsoft Dynamics NAV zu einer maßgeschneiderten und zukunftsfähigen Plattform für Ihren Unternehmenserfolg.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ist vollständig integriert, individuell und kostengünstig

Bei Microsoft Dynamics NAV investieren Sie nicht in 300 % Funktionalität, sondern nur in die Funktionen, die Sie tatsächlich benötigen: Die Module von Microsoft Dynamics NAV, für die Sie sich entscheiden, sind so konzipiert, dass Sie den Großteil Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse direkt abbilden können. Dazu liefern Ihnen Microsoft-Partner, die sich auf bestimmte Branchen spezialisiert haben, eigens entwickelte Unternehmenslösungen für Ihre Branchenerfordernisse. Übrig bleibt nur noch die individuelle Anpassung an Ihre Unternehmensanforderungen, die ebenfalls ein Partner für Sie übernimmt. Dieses Vorgehen macht Microsoft Dynamics NAV zu einer sehr kostengünstigen Software für Ihr mittelständisches Unternehmen.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV ist einfach zu bedienen und flexibel anzupassen

Anstatt Buchhaltung und Berichtswesen Ihrer Unternehmenssoftware unterzuordnen, passt sich Microsoft Dynamics NAV an Ihre Organisation an. Ihren Mitarbeitern ist die Benutzeroberfläche vertraut, da das Design an Microsoft Office Outlook angelehnt ist – für produktives Arbeiten ab der ersten Minute. Die betriebswirtschaftliche Software basiert auf bewährten Standards und ist deshalb schnell zu implementieren und zu pflegen. Auch Veränderungen in Ihren Prozessen – z. B. durch neues Wachstum – lassen sich dank der flexiblen Architektur unmittelbar abbilden. So bietet Ihnen Microsoft Dynamics NAV die Sicherheit einer international bewährten Standardlösung, gepaart mit der Flexibilität einer Individuallösung. Kurz: Es ist die ideale Software für mittelständische Unternehmen.


Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Chemical

 Why Microsoft Dynamics for chemical manufacturers?

Customer demands for fast deliveries and lower costs, together with increasingly stringent government regulations, create many challenges for chemical manufacturers. Add a continual need for innovative product formulas and recipes, plus frequent packaging variations, and the result is escalating complexity in all areas of the business, including development, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, and sales.

Microsoft Dynamics business software provides powerful and flexible manufacturing, financial, and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions that support recipe management and efficient demand planning. Microsoft and its partners deliver systems that can help you shrink development cycles, respond quickly to customer trends, and comply with changing regulations. With the right system in place, you can improve operations, open visibility into the supply chain, and increase your competitiveness.

Manage formulas better

  • Move beyond manual records and spreadsheets.
  • Integrate development directly with batch and formula management, inventory information, procurement, and production planning.
  • Automatically adjust formulas based on raw material characteristics.
  • Monitor yields by standards identified in the formula.
  • Track product-specific materials characteristics, such as potency, shelf life, catch weight, classifications, lots, and units of measure.

Track production, quality, and compliance

  • Implement full traceability with integrated information, comprehensive lot and production monitoring, and end-to-end transparency.
  • Support fast, proactive, and informed responses to quality variations or unexpected conditions.
  • Streamline Quality Assurance Control (QAC) processes for monitoring, testing, quarantine, and product downgrading, while supporting effective recall procedures.
  • Easily provide compliance documentation.

Connect and automate for greater efficiency

  • Connect internal systems and extend key information to your customers and suppliers.
  • Automate business and production processes, speed transactions, and gain insight for operational improvements.
  • Efficiently schedule production, define routings, and plan for co-products or by-products.
  • Capitalize on new opportunities as they arise by modeling production capabilities and providing accurate capacity planning and associated production costing.

Give people the information they need to succeed

  • Deliver a single, real-time view of data from multiple facilities and departments.
  • Provide centralized access to reliable, role-based information across your business.
  • Improve collaboration between internal research, production, sales teams, and external associates.
  • Control inventory with real-time insight into production schedules, capacity, shop floor activities, and production costs

21 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Implementing

Implementing a Microsoft Dynamics solution

You can make implementing your Microsoft Dynamics solution easier. By working with a Microsoft partner who uses a proven methodology—implementation processes and tools—you can achieve a successful implementation that is on-time, on-budget and on-spec.

Get the case studies, scenarios, and best-practice information you should consider as you implement a Microsoft Dynamics ERP or CRM solution. And find the right questions you should ask your Microsoft partner about the implementation process.

With these tips, you can increase the success of your business’s Microsoft Dynamics investment and be more confident that your Microsoft Dynamics implementation will meet requirements and stay within budget.

Are you ready to increase business success by purchasing and implementing Microsoft Dynamics? Contact us to learn more and to connect with a Microsoft partner that’s right for you.

18 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a complete ERP solution with a difference

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a complete ERP solution with a difference
Simple. Smart. Innovative.
Since 1984, Microsoft Dynamics NAV has established itself as a choice for mid-sized organizations looking for a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that is fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use. Today, simplicity continues to beat at the heart of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. And its state-of-the-art functionality covers everything you need to run and grow a successful business. More than one million users have used Microsoft Dynamics NAV to simplify and streamline their highly specialized business processes—and today it is available in more than 42 country versions.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides companies and their people with industry specific functionality that’s relevant to the local needs of their regions of operation, even for the most highly specialized industries and organizations. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is easy to use and offers rapid adaptability and simplified customization enabling companies to easily add functionality, custom applications and online business capabilities. With Microsoft Dynamics NAV, employees can become more effective and the company more competitive.

One complete ERP solution
Microsoft Dynamics NAV collects your business’s functions into one integrated system. With close visual and functional ties to Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Office, it’s easy to learn, simple to use, and quick to implement. With integrated financial, manufacturing, supply chain management, sales and marketing, project management, human resources, and services management information from across your organization stored in a centralized database, your people can work quickly and effectively—helping to drive your business forward.

Greater simplicity for greater productivity
In everyday life, it can be difficult to simplify and organize tasks, remove clutter, and put information where you can get to it easily and quickly. That’s exactly what the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 RoleTailored User Experience does to your office workstation. It hides 90 percent of the features you don’t need to see. And it promotes the actions and information that you do need, leaving you with an uncluttered window and an overview of upcoming tasks—helping you prioritize your tasks, and keeping your work productive, stimulating, and fun.

RoleTailored home pages—called Role Centers—make it easy for people to view their work priorities and access the information and tasks they need for their specific job, not just anyone’s job. The result? An innovative solution that frees employees and business leaders to direct their talents and skills towards business success. Role Centers in Microsoft Dynamics NAV help people in job roles ranging from the president, to accounting manager, to sales manager, and to warehouse worker gain access to the full scope of the tasks, information, and reports they need in a single view.

Deep integration across Microsoft Dynamics NAV with familiar programs such as Microsoft Office Excel and Windows SharePoint Services makes it easy to communicate and collaborate effectively and share information—without having to juggle applications.

Making smart decisions
Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables every individual in your company to turn hunches into genuine insight, and insight into decisions. With access to real-time data and a wide range of analytical and reporting tools—including graphical displays, online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes, and Web-based delivery options—people can make informed, confident decisions that help drive business success.

Fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use
Meet changing business needs without disrupting your operations or your IT budget—and make the most of your current IT investments. Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides the flexibility to set up your system for today's business requirements, as well as a reliable platform for change and growth. Security features enable you to configure the system to control who can access what; built-in tools and the open architecture enable Microsoft partners to adapt the foundation to meet your specific needs—now and in the future. And the object-oriented development environment and compact source code simplifies system maintenance and connecting to other systems.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Financial Planning, Budgeting and Reporting

Microsoft Dynamics for financial planning, budgeting, and reporting

Monitor, measure, and manage organizational performance
Microsoft Dynamics offers financial planning, budgeting, and reporting applications that work with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to help you measure business results, align performance to goals, and improve profitability. Which solution is right for you? For simplified, template-driven planning and budgeting, choose Forecaster for Microsoft Dynamics ERP. FRx for Microsoft Dynamics ERP gives you powerful analysis and reporting capabilities. With Enterprise Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics ERP, you get a full-featured performance management solution to manage complex consolidations and multiple currencies. No matter what your business needs, you can count on a Microsoft Dynamics solution.

Basic planning and budgeting

Contain costs and prevent fiscal surprises by budgeting and planning for the future efficiently and accurately. Forecaster for Microsoft Dynamics ERP helps your organization set realistic financial expectations based on a sound business plan linked to current strategic business objectives.

Managers can quickly build budgets based on their departmental objectives and knowledge of marketing conditions for improved forecasting with built-in flexibility to respond to changing business conditions.

Analysis and reporting

Monitor performance, spot trends, and respond to new opportunities with financial analysis and reporting software that integrates tightly with your general ledger and provides accurate insight into financial processes—with little or no burden on your IT department.

With easy-to-use FRx for Microsoft Dynamics ERP, you can generate and share real-time reports across the organization to help you meet financial reporting deadlines easily, close the books quickly, and simplify report sharing.

Complex financial scenarios

Multisite and international organizations require sophisticated financial reporting, budgeting, and planning capabilities, including advanced multidimensional consolidations, eliminations, and multiple currencies.

Enterprise Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics ERP integrates tightly with your financial system to help meet your most complex financial needs and provide consolidated financial reporting and budgeting across the enterprise.

Enterprise Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics ERP helps streamline complex financial analysis and reporting requirements across the enterprise

Complex organizational structures demand flexible enterprise planning, budgeting, and reporting that works smoothly with your financial systems, fits your specific business, and is easy to use and share. Enterprise Reporting provides powerful, reliable data collection and easy-to-use analysis and reporting functionality, as well as built-in consolidation, elimination, and multicurrency capabilities. A variety of presentation and display methods help employees and managers monitor business performance, gain insight into finances, and make confident, informed decisions. Enterprise Reporting offers these additional capabilities:

- Smooth integration with any general ledger or financial system for reliable, consistent financial data.

- Flexible reporting, including statutory as well as management reporting of multitiered information.

- The ability to balance performance with accuracy and centralized control with local autonomy.

- Graphical representations of key performance indicators (KPIs) to help decision makers visualize trends, patterns, and relationships that affect profitability and enhance strategic planning.

- Data interpretation using a rich set of analysis tools, including Microsoft Office Excel and Enterprise Reporting Cube Designer for a generation of online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes.

- Web browser access to data so people across the organization can view, modify, and analyze business data anytime and remotely process or schedule report packages for distribution in a variety of formats.

- Support for financial industry standards.

12 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - High-Tech Supply Chain

Why Microsoft Dynamics for high-tech and electronics manufacturers?

The fast pace and global reach of the high-tech industry demands continual innovation, speed, and agility. The industry faces tough challenges: shorter product life cycles, unpredictable demand, rapid outsourcing and price erosion caused by fierce worldwide competition. To meet these challenges, high-tech manufacturers need to optimize their supply chain, enable complete real-time visibility with customers, partners, and suppliers, and reduce time-to-market.

Microsoft Dynamics helps enable high-tech manufacturers to make rapid, accurate decisions using real-time data from internal operations, as well as suppliers and customers, to more effectively meet customer demands and lower costs. Microsoft Dynamics and our partners are able to deliver lean manufacturing solutions that open visibility to your suppliers around the world.

Improve supply chain management

- Increase visibility throughout the value chain

- Track and manage your global inventory levels

- Make fast and accurate decisions based on real-time data

Cut time-to-market

- Connect customer demand requirements directly to manufacturing, suppliers, and distribution

- Shorten development cycles by integrating product development with manufacturing, accounting, purchasing, and suppliers

- Increase product innovation through collaboration with customers and suppliers

Enhance collaboration
- Speed product development with collaboration tools

- Integrate design with manufacturing systems

- Gather customer information and integrate it with decision making

- Take advantage of security-enhanced, Web-based products and technologie

10 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics for the sales professional

Microsoft Dynamics for the sales professional

Meet customer needs, drive more sales, and build strong customer relationships

The success of a company relies on the business and revenue it generates. Maintaining happy customers while pursuing new relationships is essential to this task. The Sales department not only drives future growth but also shapes the direction of the company and enables it to meet its goals through the customer relationships created by sales engagements.

Sales representatives must have available to them the most accurate company data, including up-to-the-minute product and service pricing as well as information about clients. Success for the sales department depends largely on immediate access to business-critical information, which helps them respond to customer needs. Customer relationship management (CRM) software can give the sales team a strategic advantage and make information that can be hard to find or that resides in disparate systems more centralized and readily available.

Kevin, a Sales Manager
As a Sales Manager for a midsize company, I am responsible not only for the performance of our Sales Representatives and our company's relationships with its customers but also for setting goals, providing resources for the sales staff, and maintaining the image our company wants to project. For me, building a solid sales team and strong relationships with our customers is key.

With my busy schedule, I often work long hours. Microsoft Dynamics business management solutions help me to account for both the sales team's progress on converting new leads to sales as well as our actual sales results. With up-to-the-minute data, Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets me respond to any sales concern, determine pricing policies, and track individual as well as team performance. Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics, I always know how well we are doing.

I am also the point of escalation for the customer service and sales teams. When I need to take a call from an unhappy customer and leave the person content, Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides me with a full account history and all the information that might help me in that conversation.

Michael, an Account Manager
As an Account Manager, I am responsible for maintaining the relationship with existing customers and for providing customer service, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM is crucial for me to do my job well. If a customer has a question, I only have to go to one place to get the history of both the customer and the deal. I'm also responsible for the overall customer experience. With a complete customer record, nothing falls through the cracks. This lets me provide the kind of experience our customers want—and expect.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets me stay focused on growing the accounts because it's easy to keep records of all my contacts and activities. I don't have to work to remember what I said to the customer the last time we spoke; it's all in the customer record.

The Sales team is at the front line of your company. You must be able to accurately gauge their performance as well as effectively plan, execute, and take advantage of sales opportunities. Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets you view, manage, and track the work of your Sales team, see how fast the Sales team converts new leads to prospects and sales, and evaluate performance changes over time.

Qualifying leads and closing the deal. Extensive research, effort, and time are necessary to maintain customers, manage a team, and qualify sales leads. Sales Managers rely on key sales information, such as staff performance data, budget and expense information, and product pricing, as well as information on potential customers, including intelligence that helps determine a customer's market and financial position. The contact and opportunity management features in Microsoft Dynamics let you maintain detailed profiles of your sales contacts, move the sales process along, and pursue all actionable opportunities. And Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers integrated, flexible customer relationship management (CRM) tools that enable the tracking and reporting of sales results and events on customer accounts.

Easy access to data to improve sales processes. The Sales Manager must have up-to-the-minute business and industry data, and you must also be able to quickly and effectively access, share, and analyze that data. With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can document and manage your customers and prospects; create, view, revise, and distribute financial reports; and assign tasks to your team and ensure their completion. Microsoft Dynamics solutions maintain information from throughout the organization in a single repository, so you always have a complete view of factors that affect your business. And Microsoft Dynamics solutions work with and like other Microsoft products. For example, you can export and analyze data in Microsoft Office Excel, create reports in your preferred format, and make them available through business portals built on Microsoft SharePoint technology.


Microsoft Dynamics for the IT professional

Microsoft Dynamics for the IT professional
Reduce costs, connect systems, empower people, and deliver business results

IT teams are responsible for the computers, networks, and software applications that manage a company’s operations, track financial transactions, and enable people to communicate and collaborate throughout the company. Without a smooth flow of information through a company’s IT systems, operations would not be efficient or even possible in some cases. IT managers need to monitor the day-to-day health of complex systems while simultaneously tracking innovations in technology that might create competitive advantages.

Tim, an IT manager
As the IT manager, my job is to keep our company’s network and computers up and running and see to it that everyone has the information and tools they need to do their job. My goal is to select, deploy, and manage our company’s IT investments so they become strategic assets to help the company reach its business goals.

The obstacles I face include the fact that we have many departments using systems that aren’t connected, leading to data duplication and sometimes multiple versions of the “truth.” It’s not enough to keep machines and applications running; I have to make sure that critical information can move through these siloed systems and reach the right people at the right time.

Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions make the job of connecting systems and exchanging information easier for IT professionals, and in many cases, it happens automatically. Microsoft Dynamics enables your end-users to access information by themselves, so IT professionals can concentrate on higher-value tasks.

Reduced costs. Microsoft Dynamics solutions are built on a standard Microsoft platform, which helps your company reduce costs. You may already use many of the supporting technologies, such as Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, or Windows SharePoint Services. If so, you won’t need special licensing or costly, time-consuming retraining to benefit from Microsoft Dynamics solutions.

Familiar user experience. Microsoft Dynamics solutions operate like other familiar Microsoft applications, such as Microsoft Office. The RoleTailored user interface provides access to the data and insights needed for individual roles or departments, making Microsoft Dynamics easier to learn and use and helping to reduce IT support requirements.

Responsive to change. With a flexible and standard architecture that takes advantage of Microsoft .NET components such as Windows Workflow Foundation, Microsoft Dynamics enables you to quickly and easily add features and update workflows to respond to changing business conditions. This helps ensure that your business software is adaptable to your changing business needs.

Simpler end-user reporting. Microsoft Dynamics helps make important business information more widely accessible in your organization, giving the right people access to the right information at the right time. By using Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, you can provide straightforward access to information via a Web browser. And because Microsoft Dynamics is built to work with familiar Microsoft Office programs such as Outlook and Excel, your people can use familiar tools to perform additional analysis.

Flexible deployment. Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions are available either on-premise or via a hosted model (partner-hosted or Microsoft-hosted in the case of Microsoft Dynamics CRM), providing you with flexible and cost-effective deployment options.


4 Eki 2009

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for food and beverage companies

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for food and beverage companies

How do you adapt to meet customer and regulatory demands in an affordable way—and still grow your business? Successful food and beverage companies are leveraging software technology to build agile business processes, and are turning the compliance challenge into a competitive advantage.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a business management solution for small and midsize organizations that rapidly adapts to the unique way you do business, enabling your people to be effective and your business to be competitive.

Operations management

  • Streamline processes.
  • Lower costs.
  • Provide immediate access to real-time data.
  • Monitor critical events and cash-flow issues.

Inventory management

  • Track and trace items at any time during the sales, purchase, and transfer process.
  • Maintain accurate inventory data.
  • Automatically capture and register stock data.
  • Allocate unique barcodes to products and materials.
  • Monitor potential item shortages.


  • Respond quickly with precise information.
  • Accurately collect, record, organize, and retrieve product details.

Analysis and business intelligence

  • Transform compliance data into decision-driving intelligence.
  • Extract, analyze, and present data from across your entire business.
  • View and compare product quality data.
  • Monitor sales and profitability trends.

Supply chain management

  • Improve your interactions with customers and suppliers.
  • Provide efficient Web-based self-service and computer-to-computer interaction.
  • Supply appropriate, precise information online.